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VHDL and other hardware description languages ( 28 ) :

Hardware description languages are essential tools for handlingthe increasing complexity of the hardware designs.Information on VHDL hardware description language that is usedfor designing logic circuits implemented with FPGA or ASIC technologies.VHDL is a way of describing the desired operation of a logic device. Although it is a standard, vendors all choose different parts to implement and add their own quirks.In VHDL synthesis, we describe a program that would have the same behavior as the circuit we wish to create. This program is used by the synthesis tools to create the configuration file that will configure the specific FPGA or PLD into a correct circuit. The syntax is very similar to Ada.




Other languages

  • CynApps Cynlib - C++ based hardware description language   
  • LavaLogic - Java-based synthesis tool   
  • SpecC   
  • Superlog - superset of Verilog, borrows features from VHDL and C++   
  • SystemC - modeling platform that enables, promotes and accelarates system-level co-design and IP exchange   


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