Zagcom >> Links>> Electronic Circuits >>Audio circuits >> Audio chips, Other related links



Zagcom >> Links>> Electronic Circuits >>Audio circuits >> Audio chips, Other related links

















Audio chips ( 6 ) :

Other related links ( 4 ) :

  • High-voltage circuits for electrostatic microphones - circuits that can generate the required high-voltage for electrostatic microphones used in bat detectors, circuit can be used to generate a voltage of about 70V using a current of about 4 mA at 6V input voltage   
  • Making Cordless Headphones - This project is based on one pair of Realistic voice actuated fm tranceivers Model TRC-500 Cat#21-400 or a similar system.   
  • Sanyo Semiconductor Product Database - You can find here for example the data sheets of Sanyo STK amplifier hybrids (hard to find datasheets).   
  • Mains voltage filter and isolator - A good clean voltage source for your stereo does help with the sound quality. This is a simple power line conditioner. There are three outputs. The first output is an isolated one which will be used for noisy products like cd players.The second output is through a low pass filter(20KHZ),for products like turntables. The third is a straight through with no filter,for high current products like amplifiers.   

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