HIFI class D audio power amplifier - The purpose of this site is to
share a pulse-width modulating class D audio power amplifier design with
the world, in order to involve people that have an interest in this kind
of technology. This is in effect an "open source project", i.e. the design
is open and free, and those that have the interest and ability, are
encouraged to feed back back into the project.
a Class-A Amplifier - This is an amplifier design made by Nelson Pass
publishes at 1977. This amplifier gives out 20 watts per channel into 8
ohms, 24 watts into 6 ohms, and 28 watts into 4 ohms. The amplifier is
powered from 120V AC power.
and Dirty" Audio Amplifiers - For those of you who like to experiment
with audio circuits and would like a "quick and dirty" amplifier that
frees you from having to figure out the biasing resistors, this article
has two for you (and they run off 9 Volts too!). One uses an opamp and the
other used a transistor.
Leach Amp - 120W power amplifier, latest update of the "Low TIM
Amplifier", claimed to be a very good sounding design
Leach SuperAmp - 270 watt Double Barreled Amplifier published in Audio
LM12 - chip which can be uased ot make simple 80W amplifier
National Semiconductorin LM3886 piirillä - Amplifier circuit which
uses LM3886 IC. Text of this document is in Finnish. The article includes
circuit diagram and circuit board design. The LM3886 is a high-performance
audio power amplifier capable of delivering 68W of continuous average
power to a 4Ohm load and 38W into 8Ohm with 0.1% THD+N from 20Hz-20kHz.
- A LM3886 based Gainclone amplifier with input buffer and phase
inverter for bridge connection. The LM3886 delivers around 68 watts and peak
power of 120 watts.
- The TDA7294 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15
package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field
applications (Home Stereo, self powered loudspeakers,Topclass TV). This IC
datasheet gives example circuit for up to 100W amplifier using this IC.