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Dimmers ( 150 ) :

  • General information

  • Technical document

  • Basic circuits

    • 1200 Watt Lamp Dimmer Circuit - This circuit is a lamp dimmer circuit that is capable of controlling up to 1200 Watts of load powered from 120VAC source.     
    • 230V DIMMER - A reliable and efficient all-around performer. This is a tried-and-true diac & triac combination that offers both simplicity and high performance. With a load up to 3.5A, the power rating is 750W at 230V. Original source Velleman kit (K5001). There are plans to modify this for 110V operation.     
    • A High-Resolution Digital Dimmer - This is a basic 555 timer based mains dimmer. The operational amplifier (LM339) is performing a zero-crossing function and, due to this, the integrated circuit (555) is being activated each time a zero-crossing condition occurs. Once activated the 555 will wait a short time before it triggers the transistor and, in turn, the triac. In conclusion, the Digital Dimmer described here offers a very reliable control phase (from 10% to 95% of the ac sine wave). It can be used for lighting applications, or single-phase motor speed controls, or any other kind of application circuit where a reliable control phase is needed.     
    • Basic Incandescent Light Dimmer Circuits     
    • Basic Lamp Dimmer - Lamp dimmers using traics can be quite simple, nothing more than a potentiometer, resistor, capacitor and triac with a built-in diac. This circuit is similar to designs using unijunction transistors to generate the triggering pulse.     
    • CMOS gate implements reverse phase control - this circuit implements a "reverse" phase control, using only a single CMOS 4001 quad NOR gate, conduction begins at the zero crossing of the ac sine wave and the turn-off timing is adjusted based on dimmer setting     
    • Design light dimmer assignment - very basic theoretical dimmer circuit     
    • Dimmer circuit for normal light bulbs     
    • Dimmer switch 230V / 50Hz - This dimmer switch is suitable for 230V incandescent lamps with a total power of up to 300 Watts. The circuit is wired in series with the lamp so it can directly replace the wall switch.     
    • Electric power controller - suitable as simmer for 100V lamp up to 1200W     
    • Homemade neon dimmer     
    • Independent dimming from two locations - kludge #3251     
    • Light Dimmer - dims 220V light     
    • Light dimmer circuits - schematic for 120V AC and 230V AC dimmer with description how light dimmer works     
    • Novel circuit controls ac power - simple fan dimmers can only handle about 100W, but this circuit increases the load capacity to 3000W     
    • Odd application of neon glow lamps: The Dimmer - neon glow lamps can also be used only for their U/I characteristic and not for producing light     
    • SCR phase control yields solid-state switch - SCRs (silicon-controlled rectifiers), or thyristors, have higher current and voltage ratings, lower conduction losses, and more robustness than triacs. For these reasons, SCRs are better suited to high-power applications. This is high power dimmer circuit for 115V AC.     
    • The Dimmer - Neon glow lamps can also be used only for their U/I characteristic and not for producing light. In this circuit of a dimmer the diac is replaced with a neon glow lamp, but it works exactly in the same way than a classic one.     
    • TRIAC Light Dimmer - dim 115V lights up to about 350 watt     
    • TRIAC Light Dimmer - This little circuit can be used to dim lights up to about 350 watts. It uses a simple, standard TRIAC circuit that, in my expirience, generates very little heat. Please note that this circuit cannot be used with fluorescent lights.     
    • Triac Light Dimmer - This is a very basic dimmer circuit for 220V AC.     
    • TRIAC Light Dimmer - This little circuit can be used to dim lights up to about 350 watts of 110V AC lighting. This uses a simple, standard TRIAC circuit.     
    • Varying brightness AC lamp - SCR is used to slowly vary the intensity of a 120 volt light bulb by controlling the time that the AC line voltage is applied to the lamp during each half cycle     
  • Touch dimmers

    • Electronic Touch Dimmer - With this circuit we can change the brightness of lamp, with a only key of touch. This circuit is based on S566B IC from SIEMENS. This IC, it processes the information of duration of touch and then it checks the brilliance of lamb, according to this information. If we touch upon the key for a small period of time (60 until 400 ms), the lamb simply only changes situation, that is to say from OFF in ON or on the contrary, depended from the situation is found itself before the unit. In one of bigger duration of touch (more from 400ms), is altered the brilliance of lamb, late from dark in luminous or on the contrary.     
    • Touch Dimmers: A MCU Approach     
  • Multichannel dimming systems

    • Three-phase power regulator - This three-phase linear power regulator can control resistive loads or induction motors. Drive outputs are optoisolated and regulation from zero to full load is via a single potentiometer so interfacing to a PC should be easy, assuming all mains isolation is properly implemented.     
    • Three-phase power regulator - This three-phase linear power regulator can control resistive loads or induction motors. Drive outputs are optoisolated and regulation from zero to full load is via a single potentiometer so interfacing to a PC should be easy, assuming all mains isolation is properly implemented.     
    • 1 x 3.000 W dimmer voor theater-spot's - This circuit uses 0-10V control signal.     
    • An Experimental Cross-Fader - ideas to modify simple rotary light dimmers to make a cross-fader     
    • Dimmer mit TCA785 - The project description of this dimmer card is in German. Circuit diagram is included.     
    • Four channel dimmer rack - 4 channels, 900W maximum per channel, 2300W maximum total, operates at 230V 50Hz mains supply, uses standard 0-10V analogue control signal     
    • Light dimmer - This is a simple dimmer circuit that can be controlled with 0 - 10 VDC. This design is for 4 channels.     
    • Light dimmer circuit with 0 - 10 volt input - This is a simple dimmer circuit that can be controlled with 0 - 10 VDC. It is designed for 110V AC.     
    • N-channel light dimmer - schematic of 0-10V DC controlled 230V AC light dimmer in postscript format, the circuit is designed by     
    • LightProcessor has a     
    • LX-800 LIGHTING SYSTEM - inexpensive 8 channel lighting controller for small theatre groups or musicians, includer dimming and sequencer, sound to light, designed for 240VAC 50Hz supply, fed domestically from 3-pin 16A sockets     
    • LX-800 power control section - 8 channel 0-10V DC controlled dimming pack with 5A at 240V power rating per channel     
    • Remote Control Lighting - up to four channels of light dimmers to be remotely controlled with IR remote     
    • Velleman K8003 DC Controlled Dimmer Kit - This is a 0-10V DC controlled dimmer module. Putting many this kind of modules inside on case makes a multi channel light dimmer. This circuit works from 220V, 110V and 24V. The Maximum current this circuit can control is 3.5A.     
  • Microprocessor based and digitally controlled dimmers


    • 8-Bit Digital Ligt Intensity Controller     
    • All-digital circuit fires triac - this digital circuit allows a �P to control ac power precisely without using any digital-to-analog circuitry     
    • An AC Dimmer for Use with the Stamp - This document contains directions for converting a comercial 120VAC dimmer for use with the stamps PWM output. The basic idea of the circuit is to replace the variable resistor that is connected to the knob of a dimmer with an optoisolater. The optoisolator is connected to an operational amplifier that interfaces with the stamp.     
    • Computer controlled dimmer - Controlled by RS232 (2400-38400bps) or RS485 DMX512, *10A outputs, 1 phase power input     
    • Controller provides multimode phase control - 16C508 multichip controller, you can implement a phase controller that provides a two-key, indexed processor for ac power, circuit design idea from     
    • Experiment to dim a light bulb by computer - A simple example to control the brightness of a bulb by means of Computer control. The presented simple hardware and computer program uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the brightness of the bulb.     
    • EZ Dimmer - This small PIC microcontroller based dimmer gives 3 power levels for single 20 watt 12VDC lamp system. This document includes circuit description, circuit diagram, cirucit board and PIC HEX code.     
    • High Efficiency Halogen Bike Light Dimmer - used PIC 16F84 to control 20 watt 12V DC halogen lamp     
    • LED dimmer uses only two lines - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control (from 0 to 100%) for a backlight or instrument panel, using just two general-purpose-microprocessor signals. Although the circuit shows the circuit driving white LEDs, the load could also be a dc motor or an incandescent lamp. The basis of the circuit is a modified Schmitt-trigger relaxation oscillator controlled by MAX5160 digital potentiometer.     
    • LED Lamp Dimmer - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control from 0 to 100% for a backlight or instrument panel using just two general purpose microprocessor signals. In addition, very little board space is required since only three SOT23's and a uMax package are used. Although shown in the figure below driving white LED's, the load could also be a DC motor or an incandescent lamp. The circuit is based upon a modified Schmitt Trigger relaxation oscillator.     
    • MCU-ohjattu valohimmennin - PIC16F84 based dimmer that takes control inputs from several sensors. The description of this circuit is written in Finnish.     
    • Microcontroller Multichannel Light Dimmer - The project is a microprocessor-controlled multiple channel lighting dimmer, that could be used in theatrical and other applications. The device will accept input from a wide range of interfaces: RS232 input, DMX512 (theatrical lighting standard) or RS485, or a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). The device will control a number of lamps by using some form of AC power control. The firmware in the microcontroller will handle all functions, from decoding the protocol on either of the input interfaces through to timing the firing of power triacs for the output.     
    • Microcontroller Based Multichannel Light Dimmer - The project described in this report is a microprocessor-controlled lighting dimmer that could be used in theatrical or other applications. The project consists of a physical hardware prototype and associated firmware to execute on the project's processor. The report begins with a description of the customer requirements for the project. These were developed into functional specifications. The report then describes the design process for the project hardware and firmware. The testing methodology and results are also included. The device will accept input from a wide range of interfaces: RS232, DMX512 (a theatrical lighting standard) or RS485, and the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). The device will control a number of lamps by using some form of AC power control.     
    • PIC 16C63 Midi controlled Light dimmer - four channel dimmer cintrollable using MIDI interface, operates at 110V AC, design can be modified to use standard baud rates, and the RS-232 Electrical interface     
    • Power Phase Control Using Z8 Microcontrollers - The design described in this application note controls the nergy provided to an AC load. The Z8 microcontroller controls the power level to the load by varying the firing agle of a triac. The triac is in series with the load. Pressing the increase or decrease button varies the power to the load.     
    • Q Light Controller Project - Q Light Controller Project aims to develop a "cheap" way to control a set of lights through a computer interface. The name QLC comes from Qt Light Controller.     
    • New Power Designs and Application Information from STMicroelectronics - new approaches for light dimmers using the ST62 series microcontroller including touch dimmer and dimmer circuit based on IGBT or MOSFET     
    • PIC 12C509 Microcontroller project: Power control, based on a Triac controlled by PIC     
    • PIC 16C63 Midi controlled Light dimmer - This box has a MIDI interface and can control lights.     
    • PICDIM Application Note - This is a lamp dimmer design based on PIC 12C508 microcontroller.     
    • Smart Light Dimmer - light dimmer design using a PIC16C55     
    • Smart Light Dimmer Schematic - All 68HC05 devices have some number of pins, either dedicated or shared with other peripherals, that can be used as digital inputs and outputs. The partial circuit for the smart light dimmer shown here illustrates two useful features available on the I/O pins of the MC68HRC705KJ1.     
    • Smart Light Dimmer Schematic - Idea for using 68HC05 and TRIAC to make a light dimmer.     
    • ST6 Microcontroller and triacs on mains - includer dimmer circuit example     
    • �C implements pushbutton light dimmer - circuit design idea from     
  • Computer controlled light dimming systems


  • Remote contoller dimming


  • Fluorescent and neon lamp dimming

  • Dimmer circuits for low voltage DC lamps

    • 12V 20W lamp dimming using current controlling principle - pdf file     
    • 12 Volt Dimmer - This dimmer is designed up to 6-7A load, this circuit has overload protection circuitry.     
    • 12 Volt Lamp Dimmer - Here is a 12 volt / 2 amp lamp dimmer that can be used to dim a standard 25 watt automobile brake or backup bulb by controlling the duty cycle of a astable 555 timer oscillator. The duty cycle of the 200 Hz square wave can be varied from approximately 5% to 95%. The two circuit examples given illustrate connecting the lamp to either the positive or negative side of the supply.     
    • 12V or 24V DC Pulse Width Modulator - This circuit can be used as a light dimmer or DC motor speed controller.     
    • 12 Volt Lamp Dimmer - dimming done by controlling the duty cycle of a astable 555 timer oscillator     
    • A Dome Light Dwell Extender/Dimmer - This circuit allows you to dim your dome light and keeps the dome light of your automobile on after you close the door.     
    • A linear Constant Current LED Lamp Dimmer - This simple Linear circuit provides continuously variable regulated current (~25-400mA) from a 4-6 Volt source.     
    • A Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Control / Light Dimmer - article with theory and circuit     
    • Circuits provide 4- to 20-mA PWM control - are useful when you use 4- to 20-mA current-loop signals to control a PWM signal     
    • DC to Pulse Width Modulator - This control circuit is suitable for the accurate control of DC motors, lighting levels, small heaters as well as other applications. The circuit converts a DC voltage into a series of pulses, such that the pulse duration is directly proportional to the value of the DC voltage. This circuit can operate with 8-35VDC and control up to 6.5A current. The control voltage is adjustable (can be tuned for 0-10V DC).     
    • Dome Lamp Dimmer - Efficiently dim the car's dome or map light (low voltage light), pdf file     
    • Dome Lamp Dimmer     
    • Dome light dimmer for Cars - Usually when the car door is closed, the dome light just goes OFF. With this circuit, you can have our dome light fade slowly in brightness and finally go OFF.     
    • Efficient dc lamp dimmer using 74C14 and power FET - dims 12V DC lamp up to 24W power     
    • Electronic transformer dims halogen lamp - switched-mode power supply for a halogen lamp, commonly known as an electronic transformer, is a clever and simple device which can be enhanced with dimming control     
    • Halogen light dimmer provides infinite control - dimmer works to inject a constant current into the halogen lamp and to regulate that current using pulse-width modulation (PWM) according to a potentiometer-controlled input, or a 0 to 5V signal     
    • Halogen light dimmer provides infinite control - Modern lighting systems use halogen lamps, most of which run on 12V ac from a transformer. This dimmer circuit can change the intensity of the light from zero to maximum. The dimmer operates at approximately 12V. The dimmer works to inject a constant current into the halogen lamp and to regulate that current using pulse-width modulation (PWM) according to a potentiometer-controlled input.     
    • High Efficiency Halogen Bike Light Dimmer - This circuit uses a PIC 16F84 microcontroller with some software to control 20 watt 12V DC halogen lamp     
    • Idea for a low voltage light dimmer - A light dimmer is a means of controlling the "brightness" level of a lamp, in this application we will use a 555 timer to control the brightness level of a low voltage incandescent bulb of up to 60 watts. For the light dimmer to work the 555 timer is configured as a "variable cycle", astable oscillator running some where around 300 Hz.     
    • Instrument panel lamp dimmer control - This circuit uses an MC3392 low side protected switch and an MC1455 timing circuit to form an automotive (12V DC) instrumentation panel lamp dimmer control. The brightness of incandescent lamps can be varied by Pulse Width Modulating the input of the MC3392. The typical timer frequency is approximately 80 Hz. The duty cycle potentiometer controls the duty cycle over a range of about 3% to 97%. Any number of lamps can be control, so long as the total load current is less than 1 amp. The LED is used to signal the existence of a system fault (overvoltage, current limiting, or thermal shutdown).     
    • Lantern Dimmer/Flasher     
    • LED Lamp Dimmer - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control from 0 to 100% for a backlight or instrument panel using just two general purpose microprocessor signals. In addition, very little board space is required since only three SOT23's and a uMax package are used. Although shown in the figure below driving white LED's, the load could also be a DC motor or an incandescent lamp. The circuit is based upon a modified Schmitt Trigger relaxation oscillator.     
    • PLL-based converter controls light source - digitally control the light intensity of a lamp, control loop is based on a PLL, in which the VCO comprises a light-to-frequency converter (TSL220) coupled to a light source that derives its drive from a switching regulator (L4970A)     
    • PWM circuit uses one op amp - circuit delivers a rectangular signal with duty cycle varying between 0 and 100% in response to an input signal varying from 0 to 5V dc     
    • PWM Light Controller using 555 Timer - This simple electronics circuit is a great introduction for those interested in designing and building their own PWM Lighting Dimming / Control circuit. By using only a simple potentiometer, one can vary the brightness of their 6V to 13.2V lamp from approximately 5% to 100%.     
    • PWM Motor/Light Controller by G. Forrest Cook     
    • PWM Motor/Light Controller - pulse width modulator for 12 and 24 Volt applications, uses 400 Hz PWM frequency and can control current up to 3 amps     
    • PWM Motor/Light Controller - 12 or 24V pulse width modulator for light dimming or DC motor controlling     
    • PWM Motor/Light Controller Variations - diagrams are for 12V operation and there are high side (common ground) and low side (common +12V) versions     
    • Smart 12 volt light dimmer - This automatic dimmer will control up to 50 watts worth of halogen lamps in order to maintain a consistent light level in a room. Document is in pdf format.     
    • Switching regulator turns into light source - simple external feedback circuit transforms a switching regulator into a constant-intensity light source     
    • Two-wire dc lamp dimmer replaces rheostats - low-cost DC lamp dimmer that can control more than 100W of incandescent panel lighting from 12V DC, originally designed for use in commercial trucks     
  • LED light dimmers

    • White-LED driver provides 64-step logarithmic dimming - This circuit is designed for portable-power applications that require white LEDs with adjustable, logarithmic dimming levels. The circuit drives as many as four white LEDs from a 3.3V source and adjusts the total LED current from 1 to 106 mA in 64 steps of 1 dB each.     
    • A linear Constant Current LED Lamp Dimmer - This simple Linear circuit provides continuously variable regulated current (~25-400mA) from a 4-6 Volt source.     
    • Circuit controls intensity of reflex optical sights - A popular category of aiming/pointing aids is the reflex, or "red-dot," sight. This system finds use in such diverse applications as astronomy, archery, and shooting. In the reflex sight, light from an internal source?typically a high-intensity red LED?reflects from a curved, transparent optical (reflex) element through which you view the target. The result of this geometry is that the image of the LED (the red dot) appears superimposed on the target image, thus indicating the point of aim. When you correctly adjust the aiming point of the telescope, bow, or gun, the target and LED images coincide. For best sight performance, the intensity of the red-dot light source must at least roughly match the illumination level of the target. This circuit adjust the LED intensity based on the target.     
    • Fading Red Eyes - can be used to slowly illuminate and fade a pair of red LEDs     
    • LED Lamp Dimmer - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control from 0 to 100% for a backlight or instrument panel using just two general purpose microprocessor signals. In addition, very little board space is required since only three SOT23's and a uMax package are used. Although shown in the figure below driving white LED's, the load could also be a DC motor or an incandescent lamp. The circuit is based upon a modified Schmitt Trigger relaxation oscillator     
    • LED dimmer uses only two lines - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control (from 0 to 100%) for a backlight or instrument panel, using just two general-purpose-microprocessor signals. Although the circuit shows the circuit driving white LEDs, the load could also be a dc motor or an incandescent lamp. The basis of the circuit is a modified Schmitt-trigger relaxation oscillator controlled by MAX5160 digital potentiometer.     
    • LED Lamp Dimmer - This circuit provides 32 steps of brightness control from 0 to 100% for a backlight or instrument panel using just two general purpose microprocessor signals. In addition, very little board space is required since only three SOT23's and a uMax package are used. Although the example circuit is driving white LED's, the load could also be a DC motor or an incandescent lamp.     
    • Single FET controls LED array - White-LED backlights are gaining acceptance because they offer higher reliability and simpler drive circuitry than backlights based on CCFL (cold-cathode-fluorescent-lamp) and EL (electroluminescent) technology. This circuit shows a switch-mode boost design that regulates current instead of voltage and switching off individual LEDs or groups of LEDs is not a problem.     
  • Light dimmer rack controlling desks

  • Other dimmer circuits

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