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Zagcom>>Links>>Electronic Circuit>>Light controlling electronic>>Low voltage light circuit

















Low voltage light circuits ( 10 ) :

  • 12 Volt Lamp Dimmer - dimming done by controlling the duty cycle of a astable 555 timer oscillator   
  • Backup Light - turns on small low voltage lighting when mains power disappears   
  • Dome Lamp Dimmer - Efficiently dim the car's dome or map light (low voltage light), pdf file   
  • Dome Light Dwell Extender - after you close the car door, the interior lights stay on for a few seconds   
  • Electrical circuits for model railroad hobbyists - light flashers, constant light, power supplies   
  • Headlight Flasher  
  • Idea for a low voltage light dimmer - A light dimmer is a means of controlling the "brightness" level of a lamp, in this application we will use a 555 timer to control the brightness level of a low voltage (12V) incandescent bulb of up to 60 watts.   
  • Lantern Flasher/Dimmer - Add this circuit to an existing lantern or build your own and your batteries will last much longer, pdf file   
  • Lightbulb Voltage Regulator   
  • Two-wire Lamp Flasher - This circuit has been designed to provide that continuous light lamps already wired into a circuit, become flashing. Simply insert the circuit between existing lamp and negative supply. Especially suited for car or panel pilot lights, this device can drive lamps up to 10W. This circuit is ideal to operate 3 to 24V DC existing on-circuit lamps. LED operation is also possible.   

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