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Electrical motor controlling circuits  >> AC motors ( 34 )

General information articles

Controlling three phase motors

  • Three-phase power regulator - This three-phase linear power regulator can control resistive loads or induction motors. Drive outputs are optoisolated and regulation from zero to full load is via a single potentiometer so interfacing to a PC should be easy, assuming all mains isolation is properly implemented.     
  • Solving Motor Failures Due to High Peak Voltages and Fast Rise Times (dv/dt) - The evolution of power semiconductors has been so dramatic that today an insulated gate bi-polar transistor (IGBT) can be turned on in just 0. I micro-second. This results in the voltage rising from zero to peak in only one-tenth of a microsecond. Unfortunately, there are many motors in existence that do not have sufficient insulation to operate under these conditions. When the rise time is very fast the motor insulation system becomes stressed. Excessively high dv/dt can cause premature breakdown of standard motor insulation. Inverter duty motors typically have more phase-to-phase and slot insulation than standard duty motors (NEMA design B).     
  • Using VHDL-AMS to model complex heterogeneous systems, part 1 - HDLs bridge the gap between math-based tools and physics-based tools to help you meet model-development requirements. Motion-control-system development poses many challenges for conventional simulation tools. These systems are extremely complex, and they also traverse technology (domain) boundaries as well as analog/digital boundaries. In addition, computers or DSPs control most of these systems in real time, requiring modeling capabilities that encompass both Z-domain transfer functions and software algorithms.

Using three phase motor on single phase supply


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