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Electrical motor controlling circuits>> Stepper motors (27 )


Stepper controllers

Computer interface for steppers

  • A Worked Stepping Motor Example - running stepper motors using PC parallel port and some electronics   
  • Dual Stepper Motor Controller - Connects to the PC printer port & will drive two stepper motors up to max. 3A each. All contained in an extended D-shell case. Will also accept 4 inputs from external switches.   
  • PC's BIOS interrupt drives twin stepper motors - design idea for computer controlled stepper motor system   
  • Slot machine sheet stepper motor controls - Stepper motor driver stage for two stepper motors using two L297 driver ICs. This circuit take control bits from computer parallel port or other I/O port with TTL signals.   
  • Software for Stepper Motor Control - Simple stepper motor controlling software examples using C, C++, Turbo Pascal, Basic and MswLogo programming languages. This page has also link the the simple motor driver hardware suitable for the software.  
  • Stepper Motor Control program Step - Step is a little utility that allows you to drive up to two 4-phase unipolar stepper motors connected to the parallel port. It can do absolute (to a certain angular position) or relative (clockwise or counter- clockwise by a certain angle) movement at every speed. Angles may be measured in steps, degrees or revolutions, and movements can be in wave, two-phase, or half-step mode. This program is made for POSIX / Linux systems. The program documentation includes also the driver hardware circuit diagram and circuit board design.   
  • Stepper motors - how to connect to pc and useful link collection   

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