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Square wave oscillators ( 14 ) :

Square wave oscillators are very commonly used as clock sourcesfor digital electronics circuits and similar applications.

  • 200-400MHz voltage controlled oscillator - produces clean emitter coupled logic (ECL) type signal between 200MHz and 400MHz, pdf file   
  • 555 Tone Generator for 8 ohm speaker - used to produce a 1 Khz tone from an 8 ohm speaker
  • Adjustable Duty-Cycle Oscillator - This circuit can be built with a single IC, two capacitors, three resistors, two trim-pots, and a diode.   
  • Amplitude-stable oscillator has low distortion, low cost - square wave and sinewave oscillator examples   
  • A square wave test signal generator for testing electronic projects - Your first test instrument is propably a simple multivibrator as a signal generator.   
  • Digital Clock Circuit - This circuit provides a digital square wave that can be viewed directly or used to drive other circuits. It uses the CMOS 4047 Low-Power Monostable/Astable Multivibrator.   
  • Generator has independent pulse width and frequency adjustments - modified 555 based circuit
  • Inverters form three-phase VCO - You sometimes need an inexpensive VCO that can produce evenly spaced three-phase outputs over a wide frequency range. This application uses unbuffered U-type inverters for use in ring oscillator setup which generates relatively squarish somewhat sine-like waveforms. The range of frequencies over which the circuit can operate is more than 1000-to-1.   
  • Low frequeny oscillator draws only 500 nanoamperes - circuit draws only 0.5 microamps from a 6 volt supply, outpur frequency is 2 Hz but can be tuned up to 300 Hz, based on CD4007UB IC   
  • Multivibrators, relaxation oscillators and their allies - astable multivibrator, asymetrical multivibrator, complementary multivibrator, series multivibrator, emitter coupled multivibrator and more   
  • Precision ultra low power oscillator - works much like the classic 555 timer, but draws only about 1.5 microamps from a 3 volt battery, highly stable under varying temperature and supply voltages, pdf file   
  • Programmable Clock Oscillator - voltage controller oscillator that was designed as a wide range oscillator to generate clock pulses for a stepper motor drive system, frequency could be varied over 1,000,000:1   
  • Simple Square Wave Oscillator - This simple kit, based on the popular 555 timer IC, generates six preset frequencies - 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz and 100KHz. The output is selected by setting a jumper position. It has a wide operating voltage (5-18V) and even provides visual indication (LED) of the output.   
  • Use printer port as programmable frequency generator - A simple and inexpensive circuit and a simple C program are all you need to turn your PC's printer port into a programmable frequency generator. Using a few low-cost and readily available components, the circuit occupies little space and is easily attachable to the printer port. With this circuit you need only enter the desired frequency, and the PC does the rest. The circuit uses a MAX5130 low-power, programmable, 13-bit DAC, IC1; an OP07 buffer; and an AD537 VFC (voltage-to-frequency converter). The PC controls the DAC using a three-wire serial interface.   

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