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Current sources ( 13 ) :

  • 40V current source operates from -40 to +85�C - wide-output-current range sources that accommodate a wide supply and temperature range, based on LM317   
  • Circuit forms novel floating current source - This novel floating current source represents an improved way to bias ISFET sensors.   
  • Current source has high output impedance - composite 10-mA current-source configuration that has a compliance voltage of 5 to 42V, a set-current error of less than 1% and an output impedance of greater than 100 megaohms   
  • Digital current source is nonvolatile - Digitally programmable current sources that feature automatic trimming and retain the setting despite power-down cycles are useful in applications such as RF- and laser-communications drivers. This circuit is particularly suited for setting the drive current for the optical pump in widely tunable VCSELs (vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers).   
  • High-speed regulator makes great current source - bandwidth of this circuit measures more than 1 MHz, only the selected MOSFET and the ratings of the input supply's bypass capacitors limit the voltage compliance   
  • L200 Regulator Circuit - easy to build a power supply with one single L200 IC, offers a variable current limit of up to 2 A, as well as voltage regulation   
  • Precision current sink costs less than $20 - simple active load circuit for current from 1 mA to 1A and voltage from 3 to 40V   
  • Programmable current source powers charger - digitally programmable current source capable of sourcing currents as high as 2.55A   
  • Simple scheme keeps current drain constant - It is sometimes advantageous to keep the overall current consumption of an electronic device constant. This circuit outptu variable current to 5V load and maintains a constant current of approximately 102 mA in the power supply input.   
  • Switching regulator forms constant-current source - When you need a high-current source, using a linear regulator is inadvisable, because of the high power dissipation in the series resistor. To solve the wasted-power problem, you can use a switch-mode regulator. This circuit uses an LM2576 adjustable regulator. It needs only a few external elements and has an adjustable sensing input, which you use for controlling the output current.   
  • Variable 3 - 24 Volt / 3 Amp Power Supply - regulated power supply can be adjusted from 3 to 25 volts and is current limited   
  • Variable Power Supply - based on versatile L200 voltage regulator, independent voltage (3-15V) and current (10mA-2A) limits   
  • Voltage-to-current converter makes a flexible current reference - This voltage-to-current converter design can both source and sink current. The circuit is more flexible than some traditional current references that require different topologies for current sourcing and sinking. Also, you can easily adjust the value of the current reference by simply adjusting the circuit's input voltage.   

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