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Video distribution ( 34 ) :

  • Basic video amplifier circuits

    • Driving Video Lines - When does a trace or a wire become a transmission line? Bandwidth, characteristic impedance, ESD, and shoot-through considerations for selecting the proper video driver, receiver, mux-amp, or buffer. This application note discusses on those topics and gives recommendations for suitable video line driving components.   
    • Fast, Stable Wideband FET Amplifier - a gain-trimmable wideband FET amplifier with very good speed, high input impedance, and excellent dc stability under all conditions, more than adequate performance for driving video cable, high-speed data converters, etc.
    • New Amplifiers Simplify Wideband Techniques - article describes some video amplifier ICs from Maxim and applications for them like coaxial cable driving and twisted pair cable video transmission   
    • Positive Feedback Terminates Cables - positive feedback along with a series output resistor can provide a controlled output impedance from an op-amp circuit, with lower losses than would result from using an actual resistor   
    • Positive Feedback Terminates Cables - Positive feedback along with a series output resistor can provide a controlled output impedance from an op-amp circuit, with lower losses than would result from using an actual resistor. The circuit is useful when driving coaxial cables that must be terminated at each end in their characteristic impedance, which is often 50 ohms.   
    • Positive Feedback Terminates Cables - Positive feedback along with a series output resistor can provide a controlled output impedance from an op-amp circuit, with lower losses than would result from using an actual resistor. The circuit is useful when driving coaxial cables that must be terminated at each end in their characteristic impedance, which is often 50 ohms.   
    • Video Amplifier - This is an Video amplifier which has been constructed by a single special IC LH0024.   
    • Video amplifier circuit from discrete transistors   
    • Video amplifier with LH0032   
    • Video amplifier with LM359N   
    • Video Circuits Collection - many video amplifier circuits in pdf format, includes video transmission over UTP   
    • Video signal emphasis - With this circuit we can amplification selectively the high signal of picture frequencies [Video] with result bigger clarity than this. This circuit has adjustable gain and frequnecy response equalization.   
  • Video signal splitting to multiple monitors

  • Coaxial cable video transmission

    • Camera power and video use same coax cable - it is convenient to run both the power and the video signal through one coax cable but it needs some extra electronics on both ends of the coaxial cable   
    • Driving Video Lines - When does a trace or a wire become a transmission line? Bandwidth, characteristic impedance, ESD, and shoot-through considerations for selecting the proper video driver, receiver, mux-amp, or buffer.   
    • Single Coax Carries Video, Power, and Channel-Select Signals - This single coaxial system carries power to a remote location, selects one of eight video signals, and returns the selected signal.   
    • Transconductance Amplifiers Simplify Wideband Techniques - This article describes the unique architecture used in the MAX435/MAX436 transconductance amplifier and how this applies to traditional applications as well as new ones. Sample circuits are shown using the MAX435/MAX436 as a phase splitter, an impedance transformer, a coaxial cable driver, and as a twisted pair cable driver for distances over 5000 feet.   
  • Video signal isolation

  • Differential video signals on UTP cable

    • Circuit adapts differential input to drive coax - uses an HFA1100 or HFA1105 to convert a balanced input signal to a single-ended output signal, uses positive feedback to characteristic-impedance matching while increasing the available output swing, as compared with using a simple series termination resistor   
    • Color video travels on twisted-pair cable - telephone lines and local-area networks commonly use inexpensive twisted-pair cables, video-system designers can also take advantage of this low-cost cable to transmit composite-color-video signals using this circuit   
    • Color video travels on twisted-pair cable - circuit based on few LM6181 amplifiers   
    • IC forms differential line driver/receiver - you can use the HFA1212 dual video buffer to implement differential line drivers and receivers with a minimum of external components   
    • Instrumentation amplifier has 290-MHz gain-bandwidth product - very high frequency instrumentation amplifier based on video-difference amplifier   
    • New Amplifiers Simplify Wideband Techniques - example drixing circuit for coaxial cables and twisted pair video transmission   
    • Send Color Video 1000 Feet Over Low Cost Twisted-Pair - It is now possible to send and receive color composite video signals appreciable distances on a low cost twisted-pair. This technique is similar to the push toward twisted-pair cables in EtherNet systems to replace costly coaxial cable connections. The cost advantage of these techniques is significant.   
    • Transconductance Amplifiers Simplify Wideband Techniques - This article describes the unique architecture used in the MAX435/MAX436 transconductance amplifier and how this applies to traditional applications as well as new ones. Sample circuits are shown using the MAX435/MAX436 as a phase splitter, an impedance transformer, a coaxial cable driver, and as a twisted pair cable driver for distances over 5000 feet.   
    • EL4583 Triple Differential Twisted-Pair Driver with Common-Mode Sync Encoding - The EL4543 is a high bandwidth triple differential amplifier with integrated encoding of video sync signals. The high bandwidth enables differential signalling onto standard twisted-pair or coax with very low harmonic distortion, while internal feedback ensures balanced gain and phase at the outputs reducing radiated EMI and harmonics. The datasheet includes CAT-5 SXGA Video Transmission circuit.   
  • Video to fiber

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