Video modulators ( 17 ) :
Astec Video Modulator Documentation - This is a four page
document of one video modulator module. This document includes
full circuit diagram of the video modulator.
AV -modulaattori kameralle ja elektreettimikrofonille - This a
circuit for an audio/video modulator for PAL system operating at
around 55 MHz frequency. It takes in composite video (from video
camera) and audio from electret microphone. This circuit include
circuit board plans also. The text is in Finnish.
Commodore 64 Video Modulator 251025 Schematics - takes in
S-video format video + mono audio, outputs S-video, composite
video and modulated RF signal
Commodore 64 Video Modulator 251696 Schematics - takes in
S-video format video + mono audio, outputs S-video, composite
video and modulated RF signal
LM2998 TV Video Modulator - This IC datasheet also includes
circuit diagram of example application circuit.
Low Cost Audio-Video Modulator and Transmitter - project
report in pdf format
MC1374 TV Modulator Circuit - data sheet that includes example
circuits, pdf format
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MC1374 TV Modulator Circuit - The MC1374 includes an FM audio
modulator, sound carrier oscillator, RF oscillator, and RF dual
input modulator. It is designed to generate a TV signal from audio
and video inputs. The MC1374?s wide dynamic range and low
distortion audio make it particularly well suited for applications
such as video tape recorders, video disc players, TV games and
subscription decoders. Single Supply, 5.0 V to 12 V operation at
Channel 3 or 4.
RF Modulator DIY: VHF/UHF TV modulator Elektor january 1985
TDA5670 based video modulator - High quality Audio/ Video
TDA8722 I2C-bus programmable modulator for negative video
modulation and FM sound - This is a chip datasheet with
example circuit diagram. The TDA8722 is a programmable modulator
which generates an RF TV channel from a baseband video signal and
a baseband audio signal in the event of negative video and FM
sound standards (PAL B/G, I, D/K and NTSC).
TV Modul�tor - This circuit uses an MC1373 to form a TV
video modulator
VHF/UHF TV modulator Elektor january 1985 - The TV modulator
is made up of two parts, namely a modulatable crystal oscillator
and a harmonics generator. The oscillator operates at a frequency
of 27 MHz, which is quite low so inexpensive crystals are readily
available. The harmonics generator converts the oscillator signal
into a sort of frequency spectrum containing all the multiples of
27 MHz up to about 1800 MHz. The TV modulator's output signal is
made up of a large number of little peaks, each of which is a
complete transmitter signal. At least one of these will always be
in band I (VHF channels 2. . . 4), one in band III (VHF channels
S. . .12) and many of them will be in bands IV and V (UHF channels
21.. .69).
VHF/UHF TV modulator Elektor january 1985 - The modulator
output spectrum containing all the multiples of 27 MHz up to about
1800 MHz. At least one of these will always be in band I (VHF
channels 2. . . 4), one in band III (VHF channels S. . .12) and
many of them will be in bands IV and V (UHF channels 21.. .69).
Video to RF Modulator - This circuit is a RF modulator which
can be used for moduling of video signal. RF modulated output
signal can be received on VHF band ( about 189 MHz ).
Other video related RF circuits
Low-cost circuit biases VCOs for cable and TV - PLLs are
useful in a variety of applications, most notably cable and TV
TV antenna amplifier - covers the frequencies from 40 to 900
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