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Video signal generating circuits ( 21 ) :

  • A Simple VGA Controller for the ALTERA UP1 Board - This page contains basic information describing the use of the VGA output port provided on the Altera UP1 Educational board. VHDL source code for a simple VGA controller ( VgaCon ) is provided. The purpose of VgaCon is to isolate the details of VGA signal generation from all the other modules in a design. VgaCon allows the pixel information to be written into its video memory using a very simple interface, while it is alone responsible for generating the required signals for displaying the pixel information on a VGA monitor.   
  • Color Bar Generator - This circuit generates RS-170 NTSC video signal.   
  • Digital Volt meter with video output - This design awarded the third international prize in the Elektor Electronics 1997-98 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Design Contest.   
  • Ein vielseitiger Bildmustergenerator - test pattern generator, text in German   
  • Generator provides 537 NTSC pattern - generates some useful NTSC TV picture tube test patterns   
  • How to generate video signals in real-time using a PIC16F84 - generating video signals in software   
  • PIC-Ping - the game pong using a PIC16F84, outputs audio and video to TV   
  • PIC-Tetris - Tetris game implemented using PIC16F84, outputs audio and video to TV   
  • PIC-Tock - video clock using a PIC16C61   
  • Telescope - Use your TV screen as a basic oscilloscope display, requires no modifications to the television, bandwidth is limited to 20KHz   
  • Testcard Generator - provides a large range of video test patterns including a full colour Test-Card, colour bars, crosshatch, grey-scale, focus grid, colour purity patterns and more, also features a basic sine-wave audio oscillator, set at 800Hz   
  • Test Pattern Generator - The test pattern generator described here features patterns needed for TV repair as well as horizontal lines, vertical lines, dots, blank raster and white screen. The three primary colours are individually switchable.    Rate this link
  • VCG-01 PAL/NTSC Video Clock/Message Generator - video text overlay circuit   
  • VCR Pong - old classic video game with TV output implemented using PIC16C711 microcontroller   
  • VGA Generator that displays an image in the XS Board RAM on a VGA monitor - example of using Virtex series FPGA to generate VGA signals    Rate this link
  • Video DVM - Video-DVM is a very cheap DVM that shows how an output as complex as a videocomposite signal can be generated entirely in software: two I/O pins and three resistors are all the hardware required. Connected to any TV set it displays voltages, included max and min peaks, using both giant digits and an analog bar-display . A serial data output for computer data logging is provided, too. The micro is the Atmel?s AT90S1200.   
  • VIDEO generators - many test picture ganeration circuits   
  • Video Pong - a video game with software generated video signal, based on PIC16F84   
  • Video Test Pattern Generator - generates various test patterns for use when testing and aligning television and video equipment, designed for PAL television system   
  • Video Tetris - a video game with software generated video signal, based on PIC16F84  
  • VTG-01 PAL/NTSC Video Title Generator - overlays text over video screen, takes input from PC keyboard   

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