Zagcom >>Links >>Electronic Circuits >>Video Circuits >> Video transmitters



Zagcom >>Links >>Electronic Circuits >>Video Circuits >> Video transmitters

















Video transmitters ( 12 ) :

  • 2.4 GHz FM ATV - a project concept - This article describes how to modify consumer wireless video link devices for ATV use.   
  • Audio/Video Transmitter Link Test - information on 2.4 GHz audio/video links, includes plans to modify cheap commercial 2.4 GHz wireless audio/video transmitters for external antenna and more power   
  • EMETTEUR Vid�o&Audio 224.5 MHz - video transmitter circuit, text in French, try
  • How to Build Your Own Underground Television Transmitter Using Commercially Available Parts - This plan combines a VCR or Camcorder with video or RF outputs to a Ham Radio 6-meter Band Linear amplifier + suitable antenna.   
  • Low Cost Audio-Video Modulator and Transmitter - project report in pdf format   
  • Technical Report: Wireless Video - This document describes how a small video camera was installed to a remotely controlled device and the video signal was transmitted wirelessly to the receiver. This document includes information on the construction of the transmitter electronics, RF amplifier and antenna.   
  • The Design Of The Brookdale ATV Repeater System Exciter - uses a pair of Hamtronics model TA451 2-watt narrow-band FM voice transmitters to develop video and audio carriers on 439.250 MHz and 443.750 MHz   
  • TV Transmitter - allows you to send video to any television in the house, Poptronix kit circuit   
  • VHF Audio Video Transmitter - This circuit is a TV transmitter on VHF band with a range of 3 to 5 metres. A mixer which also operates as an oscillator at VHF (H) channel 5 TV frequency is amplitude modulated by video signal and mixed with frequency mo enna, contains video carrier frequency of 175.25 Mhz and audio carrier frequency of 180.75 Mhz. Then, the transmitter is a B-System of CCIR compatible.   
  • VHF Audio Video Transmitter - The circuit presented here is a simple audio/video transmitter with a range of 3 to 5 metres. The A/V signal source for the circuit may be a VCR, a satellite receiver or a video game etc. The circuit uses inexpensive components which are easily available in the market. In this circuit channel 5 TV frequency is amplitude modulated by video signal and mixed with frequency modulated audio. The output signal contains video carrier frequency of 175.25 Mhz and audio carrier frequency of 180.75 Mhz.   
  • Video/Audio Wireless Transmitter - circuit diagram and project description   
  • Video emitter uses battery power - This article hows how to make a cable-free, direct-video system. The system allows users to walk from booth to booth at an exhibition to interview people and to display the interviews in real time on three screens at key locations. This system works in the UHF band at 479.5 MHz (UHF Channel 22). Its output power is 2 mW to a 75 ohm antenna. This circuit works for about 3 hours with 12 AA batteries.   

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