General information ( 37 ) :
- AirBorn
Electronics Circuit Design Library - microcontroller circuits
- alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
- Analog-input
circuit serves any microcontroller - This simple ADC is suitable for
getting analog signals into a purely digital microcontroller. Using just
five surface-mount parts, you can assemble it for less than 50 cents (1000),
which is approximately half the cost of a single-chip-ADC approach in the
same volume. Moreover, this design takes only one pin from the
microcontroller to operate.
anonymous FTP archives - lots of microcontroller information, 68HC11,
8048, 8051, 8085, 80x86
- A
Set of Standard Microprocessor Programming Cards
- Born
to Fail - Systems fail, and sometimes no one is around to reset them
before something worse happens. That's why watchdog timers matter.
- Configurable
processors: Stir it up - Configurable processors can be a cost-effective
ingredient in your design. But they may also be an evolutionary abstraction.
- Conventional
DSP or configurable microcontroller: which way to go? - Engineers of
DSP-based systems are in a quandary over whether to use a conventional DSP
or one of the new configurable microcontrollers. The technical challenges of
MP3 decoding provide the basis for comparing traditional DSPs with upstart
configurable micros.
- Digital
Alpha Documentation
- EDN's
27th Annual Microprocessor/Microcontroller Directory - year 2000 version
of the EDN Microprocessor/Microcontroller Directory
- EDN's
28th annual microprocessor / microcontroller directory - year 2001
version of the EDN Microprocessor/Microcontroller Directory
29th annual microprocessor / microcontroller directory - year 2002
version of the EDN Microprocessor/Microcontroller Directory
Project Designer's Page - Electrical and Electronical Applications
prepared by using Assembler Programming Language. Motor Control,Serial
Communications,Temperature Control,Basic Assembler Applications,I/O Ports
Design,Timer and ADC.
- EmbeddedLinks
- Portal to engineering and management resources about embedded systems
and microcontrollers on the Internet
- Embedded
News Digest - Your Embedded System and Microcontroller News Source, free
monthly newsletter on embedded systems and microcontrollers industry events
- Embedded
Processor and Microcontroller primer and FAQ
- Embedded
Processor and Microcontroller primer and FAQ
- Embedded
Systems Glossary
- Embedded
TCP/IP: a smorgasbord of options - Internet-connected devices are not
always more intelligent than stand-alone devices. Connectivity means more
intelligent device management.
- Exploring
the anatomy of multiprocessor designs - Parallel processing can improve
performance, but it can also simplify your design by better reflecting the
natural partitioning of your application behavior and development resources.
You can define multiprocessor designs as systems that perform functions and
tasks among multiple processors that coordinate and communicate with each
other to deliver a coherent behavior. A multiprocessor application is more
complex than a single-processor design. It requires additional programming
for housekeeping and coordinating functions, and it is more complex to
debug, because of processor interactions that are absent in single-processor
- Fear
and loathing of porting embedded software - Using legacy software in
your project can minimize your development time because you can avoid
duplicating effort for design specifications, test cases, and performing
implementation trades from earlier development efforts. However, legacy
software, even when written in a portable language, often requires you to
perform some porting. Software porting is the engineering process that
transforms software so that it will operate within a new target environment.
Successful software porting demands the same engineering discipline as any
development project. Why, then, does a published, general, standard
methodology appear to be nonexistent?
- General-purpose
�Ps for DSP applications: consider the trade-offs - using
general-purpose processors instead of dedicated DSPs for DSP-intensive
applications has some advantages, as well as some pitfalls
RTOSes: A Buyer's Guide - Attention is turning to the real-time
operating system (RTOS) as hardware system OEMs focus on 99.999%
- History
of the Microprocessor - short list of PC processors from 8068 to P7
- Keeping
Embedded System Design Projects on Time and Close to Budget - article by
Ken Crater, published in December 1999 I&CS (PDF file)
to some companies selling microcontroller development tools
- Logical
combination? - Convergence products need both RISC and DSP processors,
but merging them may not be the answer. The mainstreaming of
signal-processing applications, along with the growing surplus of
conventional processing power, turned RISC and DSP into competitors for the
same sockets.
- Microprocessor
instruction set cards
- MicroControllers
and Electronics page
- Power-On
Reset (POR) Circuit - One of the trivial circuit in hardware design is
the power-on reset circuitry. You can find it in practically any
microcontroller board.
- Profit
with plug-in processors - Off-the-shelf module computers let designers
skip the most complex portion of embedded-product design and simplify future
upgrades. Module computers package the CPU, mass storage, and
processor-peripheral interfaces on a replaceable mezzanine card. Replacing
the CPU and peripherals allows designers to update and retrofit embedded
devices without product redesign.
- Pushbutton
switch controls power supply and �C - switching handheld units on and
off with a pushbutton switch is a desirable feature but needs some thinking
- Real-Time
Encyclopedia - web site bout real-time issues
- Steve
Walz's Electronics FTP site - large FTP archive, microcontrollers and
electronics documents
- Sulautetun
j�rjestelm�n suunnittelu: Veneen digitaalisen lokin mittariosa
- Tiny
and Inexpensive Programmable Controllers for Quick Project Development
- Virtual
programmers build embedded code - With shrinking software-development
schedules and a growing shortage of skilled programmers, embedded-system
designers are adopting automatic-code-generation tools to stay ahead of
their competition.
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