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Zagcom >> Links >> Microcontroller >>Motorola microcontrollers

















Motorola microcontrollers ( 25 ) :

  • Other

    • 6502 pages - The 6502 was a very popular 8-bit microprocessor in the late 70's and 80's. The 6502 (and it's variants) where used in many game system and computers like the Apple II, Atari VCS, Atari 800, C64, NES and others. This page contains a compilation of links, programs, and information on the 6502.   
    • cc65 - the 6502 C compiler   
    • Experimental Real-Time timing measurements using a PLD - The idea behind FuTA was to measure the execution time, of several selected functions (written in C), of a 68332 32-bit microprocessor embedded system. Although this could be achieved by other means, such as an emulator (or simulator), it gave me an excuse to design some hardware using a PLD (programmable logic device). The hardware is relatively simple, consisting of just two ICs. The complexity being contained within the EPM7128 PLD device, which consists of several logic blocks. The software consists of a Visual Basic 6.0 program, which reads and parses the Microtec's C compiler (linker) map file to ascertain all function names and entry/exit addresses.   
    • Motorola 68XX Assembler - modified the Motorola DOS freeware assembler so that it works on UNIX environments, supports 6800, 6801, 6804, 6805, 6809, and 68HC11   
    • Motorola Digital DNA - series of microcontrollers from   
    • Power PC FAQ by Motorola   

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