( 124 ) :
General information
- David
Tait's Links to Internet PIC Resources
- DonTronics
Home Page - PIC microcontroller resources
- Electr�nica
Digital & Microcontroladores - Page (in spanish language)
dedicated to theory and practice in digital electronic and PIC
- Free
Singlechip group - microcontroller articles, information and
construction projects
- Getting
Familiar with PICs and PICBASIC -�a 19 page booklet in pdf format
- Getting
Started with PICs - Microchip's PIC16C84 is a general-purpose,
low-cost, 18pin, 8bit microcontroller with the capability of in-system
software downloads to its on-chip EEPROM memory. What you will need to
do is build a very simple, low cost parallel port programming adapter to
connect your PC to your target board, enabling the PC to re-program your
PIC16C84 in-system.
- Introducing
the Microchip PIC - Many people would like to get started with
microcontrollers, but don't know how to begin. That's what this page is
all about -- how to get started.
- Introducing
the Microchip PIC18F252 - Many people would like to get started with
microcontrollers, but don't know how to begin. That's what this page is
all about -- how to get started. With a microcontroller you can do
things that would be difficult to do with discrete logic.
operation is a state of mind - Achieving low power requires a
certain mindset. The straightforward way to turn the heat down is to
re-evaluate clock sources or to reduce the power-supply voltages.
Another equally effective approach is to operate with a partial or a
complete controller/processor-shutdown mode. But if you combine these
techniques with execution time and a little intelligence, you can easily
tackle your most challenging power-conservation problems.
- company which makes PIC microprocessors
- Microchip
Net resources - very good link topic on PIC microcontrollers and
related topics
- Microchip
Reference Sheets
- Moving
a Design from the PIC16C84 to a PIC16C554, 556 or 558 - This
discussions focuses how to move a design from a 16C84 platform to a
16C55X processor. The reason to do this is that 16C55X one time
programmable devices (OTP) are very cheap.
- Myke
Predko's PIC and Microcontroller Reference Page - information about
PIC book and some useful resources
- PIC16/17
Microcontroller & BASIC Stamp
- PIC16C84
Links - links to lots of useful information
Programming Home Page - informaiton on PIC microcontroller, pic
projects and basic electronics
- Pic
& Linux - also available
- Which
programmer to choose?
PIC computer hardware interfacing
- Bit-Banging
Serial Interfaces for the Low-End and Mid-Range PICMicros
- Build
your own "2-Wire LCD Interface" using the PIC16C84 microcontroller
MIDI Controllers using PIC Microcontrollers and Basic Stamps -
describes how to generate MIDI signals and how to read sensors like
potentiometers and piezo transducers
- Interfacing
the PS/2 Mouse - contains PC mouse protocol information and some
examples how to interface it using PIC microcontroller
- ISA bus to PIC microcontroller interfacing idea
data-acquisition system is cheap and simple - PIC12C67 based 8 bit
ADC circuit which connects to PC keyboard and output PC keyboard
- Microcontroller
discerns addresses in RS-485 systems - One of the many benefits of
using the RS-485 data-interface system, unlike the RS-232 system, is its
ability to implement multidrop networks. Such networks usually carry
9-bit data words, in which the ninth (parity) bit identifies each word
as address or data. When using small microcontrollers without a hardware
UART, designers must decide whether to add an external hardware UART or
to configure a UART in software. Ths circuit uses a PIC16F84
microcontroller and MAX3100 UART to impelement 256 address RS-485 bus
Specific RS232 IO - There has been a lot of confusion on how the RX
or TX pins should be set with reguard to TRIS on the PICs with hardware
USARTs especially with reguard to makeing them work in interrupt mode.
This document is an overview to the suitable technologies specific to
different PIC models.
- PS/2
Mouse/Keyboard Protocol - This article describes the protocol and
shows how to implement it using PIC 16F84.
- Synchronizing
controller detects baud rate - a simple and inexpensive
implementation using an eight-pin 12C508 controller (Microchip
Technology, Chandler, AZ) provides both bit-rate detection and a
synchronous, appended-clock output from an asynchronous input-data
- Using
an LCD's User Defined Character Generator for Graphics Animation -
project based on PIC, PICbasic and Hitachi 44780 LCD
a PIC microcontroller with the PC's serial port (RS232 COM port tester)
- CoPoT is a simple circuit using an 8-pin PIC microcontroller to
test the data TXD, RXD signals and RTX,CTS handshake lines. It does this
by pinging back the next ASCII character that was received, and
generating a square wave output on the RTS line when CTS is active. The
main aim of this project was to learn how to interface a microcontroller
(without an integrated UART) to the computer's serial interface.
Other project pages
- Adam's
micro-resources - PC keyboard and mouse interfacing
PIC Page: PIC peograms - video clock, video pong, guitar tuner, MIDI
sender, DTMF encoder
- Digital
Frequency Synthesis - accurate tunable sine-wave generator, using
just a PIC
MIDI Controllers using PIC Microcontrollers and Basic Stamps
- Electronic
Altimeter - This design uses a PIC16F877 to measure the output of a
temperature sensor and an absolute pressure transducer to measure
- Eric
Smith's PIC Projects - closed caption decoder, video, DTMF, monitor
tester, remote control
- Fumil's
Digital Stuff - christmas lights, smart lock and 12C508 PIC routines
for communication on RS232 standard
- Heart
beat monitor using a PIC microcontroller
- Holiday
map using a PIC microcontroller - HoMaD allows you to illuminate all
your holiday destinations on a world map, although you could even
impress your boss by using it to display all the firm's worldwide
subsiduaries. The hardware consists of a PIC microcontroller and a
couple of LED drivers from Maxim , controlling up to 128 LEDs (the
circuit can be easily extended to drive an almost unlimited number of
- How
to generate video signals in real-time using a PIC16F84 - generating
video signals in software
- Kelly
Kohls, N5TLE Homepage - DMX 512 Light control circuits including 16
channel 0-10volt demultiplexer based upon a PIC16C76, also a Analog to
DMX512 multiplexer based upon a PIC16F876
- Make
noise with a PIC - Building a stable noise generator for
audio-frequency purposes requires only a few components. This circuit
relies on linear-feedback shift registers and some simple software.
- Projects
for Students and Hobbyists
- Mechanically
Scanned LED Clock "Propeller Clock" - This is a clock circuit using
moving LED display. Seven light emitting diodes spin, giving the
illusion of numbers in the air.
- Microchip
Net resources - PIC project link list
- MIDI-to-analog
switch trigger box on PIC16C84 - a 16C84 program to receive MIDI
note messages and activate trigger outputs for various applications
- Mobile
robot Based on PIC16C84 and Posit 1.0 - This page contains the robot
software, circuits and a very short description.
- Myke
Predkos' PICMicro Button Debounce Article
technique helps �C produce clean analog signals - method for
producing an analog voltage from one digital output of a PIC
- Ohjelmia
16f84:j�� - software for PIC 16F84, text in Finnish
16C63 Midi controlled Light dimmer
Based Serial Port Servo Controller - This Servo Controller uses a
PIC16F84 microcontroller from Microchip to drive servo motors and
digital outputs. It receives commands from a host computer via a
standard RS232 serial interface. This circuit supports 4 servo motors
and 4 digital outputs. Circuit can be modified for 8 servo motors.
C and Assembler Resources - Examples for use with the C2C or CCS
debugging routine reads out binary numbers
/ Ubicom Dev'rs - communication circuits using PIC, encryption,
interfacing, Internet applications using PIC and many other PIC circuit
- "Pinewood
Derby" style race timer
- PIC16F84
Based Morse Code Reader - takes sound input and outputs test to LCD
- PIC16C84
stuff - micro kernel, robot and C compiler for Windows
- Pick�a�Peck�of
PIC's�Library - many PIC project documents
Microcontroller Projects - collection of projects and tutorials
Page - serial communication and PC keyboard emulation routines
plots pixels sans controller - grahical output from PIC to grahical
LCD screeen
Rate this link
- PIC-Tock
- video clock using a PIC16C61
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Interface
- Picxie
- Animated LED Signboard - check also
- Pseudorandom
digital white noise generator for PIC series - designed for
- Rickard's
microcontroller projects - mechanically scanned display stuff and
software generated video using PIC, includes video games like Pong and
- Simple
logic analyzer pushes microcontroller to its limit - A simple
logic-analyzer design is compatible with all versions of Windows and
pushes the PIC 18C252 chip to its speed limit to achieve a 1-MHz
sampling rate.
- "Simple-Simon"
Game using a Pic Microcontroller - MeGaM is based upon the early
80's "simple-simon" game. The opponent (microcontroller) slowly builds
up a random LED sequence, which the player has to repeat step-by-step by
pressing the corresponding push buttons. The hardware consists of a PIC
microcontroller which controls the push buttons, sound, level of
difficulty and LEDs, and a noise generator which provides the mechanism
to produce a random number.
- Speaking
clock (English & German) using a PIC microcontroller - SpeClo
was designed and built to be used by the blind. Its purpose is to
provide a relatively easy way for ascertaing the time of day by
whistling, and can be configured to speak English or German! Two
versions of this project have been built. One uses a PIC microcontroller
and can be activated in a single room, whilst the other version uses a
ST7 microcontroller and can be activated in a total of eight rooms.
- The
Official EPE PIC Source Code Page - all the EPE PIC Projects source
code is available here
- Use
a PIC for automatic baud-rate detection - Automatic baud-rate
detection is desirable in many applications. Microchip's
(www.microchip.com) standard USART module that the company embeds in
most of its PIC microcontrollers lends itself to a simple and easily
implemented automatic baud-detection scheme. This example is designed
for PIC18FXX2 in mind.
- Use
power line for baud-rate generation - One cost-saving measure
associated with 8-bit embedded microcontrollers is to use a
resistor-capacitor oscillator. These RC oscillators are inexpensive, but
the trade-off is low stability with temperature and voltage. In these
cases, you can find a low-frequency, stable clock source and use it to
calibrate a baud-rate generator or event timer. One source of a
low-frequency, stable clock is the line voltage. This voltage is a good
source 50- or 60-Hz frequency that you can easily interface to the
microcontroller's 16-bit timer. By counting CPU cycles for a half cycle
of the external clock, you can determine the frequency of the
microcontroller's internal RC oscillator and calibrate the baud rate.
- Using
PWM to Generate Analog Output - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
modules, which produce basically digital waveforms, can be used as cheap
Digital-to-Analog (D/A) converters only a few external components. A
wide variety of microcontroller applications exist that need analog
output but do not require high resolution D/A converters. Some speech
applications (talk back units, speech synthesis systems in toys, etc.)
also do not require high resolution D/A converters. For these
applications, Pulse Width Modulated outputs may be converted to analog
outputs. Conversion of PWM waveforms to analog signals involves the use
of analog low-pass filters. This application note describes the design
criteria of the analog filters necessary and the requirements of the PWM
frequency. Later in this application note, a simple RC low-pass filter
is designed to convert PWM speech signals of 4 kHz bandwidth.
- WhiDet
- this circuit uses digital techniques to measure and decode the
input signal to detect a whistle. This simple circuit is built using PIC
and a handful of analog components.
- �C-based
one-shot has wide range - �C-based, digitally programmable,
monostable multivibrator based on PIC16C54
- Yusoft
PIC Microcontroller Links - Microcontroller projects, links and
- 16F84
Ohjelmointilaite - This is a programmer design for PIC 16F84 which
is also suitable for laptop computer (uses external power supply). This
is a variant of a well known jdm PIC programmer (works with same
software). The text in this document is in Finnish.
Your Own Programmer for the PICMicro with the "ELCheapo - serial
port programmer for PIC 16C84
- Classic
PIC 16F84 Programmer - The design is by David Tait. This circuit
connects to PC parallel port. There is circuit diagram, copper layout
and programmign software (DOS and Windows).
- Easy
PIC Programmer - This page describe how to make the most easy PIC
Programmer. The Programmer do need external power supply (stabilized).
And it use only one resistor. This circuit connects to PC serial port
and programs PIC 16C84.
- "Fluffy"
- A Scenix (and PIC) Programmer - a complete hardware and software
system that allows you to use a 16F84 to program a SX microcontroller
the "No-Parts" PIC Programmer - NOPPP is a simple programmer for
PIC16C84, PIC16F83, and PIC16F84(A) microcontrollers. It attaches to the
parallel port of a PC. Plans were published in Electronics Now Magazine,
September, 1998, and are included in shorter form in the downloadable
ZIP file.
- PIC16C84
programmer - connects to PC serial port
- P16PRO
PIC and PICALL programmer offical Home Page - programs PIC12C5xx,
16F84 and many other PIC models
- P16PRO
& PICALL PIC programmers - You can use P16PRO, David Tait's or
almost all other printer port based hardware schemes by using P16PRO's
Hardware setup feature. PICALL hardware was designed and optimized for
programming PIC microcontrollers,but it is also possible to program
other devices with it. With new software and PICALL hardware you can
program ATMEL's AVR microcontrollers,Scenics SX and serial EEPROMS.
- Pic24C�programmer
- a Pic 16C/F84 ,24Cxx Combi programmer
- Pic-piirillisten
�lykorttienohjelmointilaite - programs smartcard based on PIC
chip, text in Finnish
- PIC-Programmer
2 for PIC16C84 etc.
16c84/16f84/24c16 programmer for Linux (& DOS) - It is possible
to program PIC's and eeproms with linux. There exists a couple of
programs for parallel port programmers, and one for both serial and
parallelport programmers (prog84). This is an improved prog84 to work
better with Intel hex files and added the ability to read the PIC and
dump the contents in an 8 or 16-bit intel hex file. This siftware with
suitabke circuit programs 16c84/16f84, 16C6x/7x/923/924, 16f87x and
24c16 (and maybe 24c65/24c08?). The software comes with source code.
and serial EEPROM programmer - programs 16C84 and 8 pin serial
EEPROMs, zipped file
- PIC-Programmer
2 for PIC16C84 etc. - This Programmer is powered by the RS-232 and
programs PIC12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X,
16C8X, 16F8X and ISO-CARD's with ASF. This circuit uses DOS progeramming
software (runs also under Windoes). This page also contains also links
to some other very simple programmers. Utilities now work on Dos,
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98 and are expected to work on all
other operating systems.
- PP06
PIC Programmer Software - PP06 is an open-source Production
programmer for Microchip's PIC micros. Specifically designed for use in
factory in-circuit programming, and development of master/slave systems
it supports many pics,and is easily extended to different hardware. This
softare programs most 12&14 bit PIC's, flash and eprom (78 types).
Software supports various hardware (all David Taits original hardware
types + others). Software is available for Windows, Linux (command line
and KDE), and DOS.
- The
PIC programmer II by Jens Madsen - This circuit programs PICs
12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X, 16C8X and
16F8X, software is available for Dos and Linux
- Wouter's
In-System Programmer for the PIC 16f84 - 16x84-based in-circuit
16x84 production programmer
Software tools
- C2C
Compiler - free PIC 16C84 C compiler for Windows 95
C/C++ compiler for PICmicro and Scenix
- CC5X
C Compiler - C compiter for PIC, free edition available
- Comparison
macro for PIC processors
- Crownhill
PICBASIC - PICBASIC Compiler allows you to write your code in the
simple to learn, yet powerful, language of BASIC. This pages has links
to download free PICBASIC Lite and information on commercial PIC Basic
Pro compiler.
- an entire suite of PIC development tools freely available in
source code
- High
Tech Horizon's filelibrary - PIC utilities and source code
- IC-Prog
Prototype Programmer - This software package allows you to program
very many types of serial programmable Integrated Circuits using Windows
95/98/NT/2000/ME. This software programs 12C508, 16C84, 16F84, PIC
16F877, 24C16, 24C32, 93C46, 90S1200, 59C11, 89C2051, 89S53, 250x0, PIC,
AVR , 80C51 etc. when used with suitable programming hardware. This
software supports many programmer types of programmers which connect to
PC parallel port and some popular serial port devices (JDM type).
- Just
Another Language (JAL) - compiler for a pascal-like high level
language for the PIC 16c84/16f84 and Scenix SX18/SX28, comes with
library and a few ready-to-run examples, runs on DOS command line and
- PIC16C84
C compiler for Windows 95 - free compiler with IDE for Windows 95
- 12C5XX
timign routine - this procedure permits obtaining timings between 7
and 196095 microseconds, when the PIC 12C58XX is programmed to work with
it's internal oscillator or with an 4MHz external oscillator
- P2C
Pascal-compiler - This is a Pascal compiler for Microchip (PIC) and
Scenix (SX) microcontrollers. It works under MS Windows
95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and has a built-in user interface.
Compiler - compiler translates the SIL program into PIC16C84
assembly language, description is also available in
Delayer - program that calculates and generates delay routines for
you, works under Windows
- Pico-C
compiler for PIC16C84 processor
- Posit
1.0 - Multitask Microcore for PIC16C84 based systems
Code from "The Pic Source Book" by Scott Edwards - collection of
assembly language routines based on the instruction set of the Basic
Stamp single-board-computer (write your intended Basic applications
directly to PIC assembler)
RS232C - procedures to send and receive data in a RS232C compatible
format using PIC 12C5XX microcontroller, used protocol is 8N1 (8 data
bits,no parity bit, 1 stop bit) and the baud rate is 300bps (can be
adapted to other baud rates also)
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