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Zagcom >> Links>> Radio >> Digital Audio Boradcast (DAB)

















Digital Audio Boradcast (DAB) ( 3 ) :

    The Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is a new form of radio broadcasting. DAB is a multiplexed system that can be used in either centralised or distributed architecture. DAB is an agreed universal standard that has been implemented from the UK to Taiwan. The BAD system was developed in Eureka 147 project.It transports digital audio (MPEG compressed audio) over radio waves using COFDM modulation system.

  • COFDM: The modulation system for digital radio - This paper describes the background of COFDM, the modulation system that is used for digital audio broadcasting (DAB).   
  • "COFDM - The Best Asset for DAB-T" - This paper presents an educational model of the COFDM modulation, aiming to give some technical backgrounds, then it describes the characteristics the COFDM modulator shall have to allow economical implementation of large DAB_T SFN networks.   
  • Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) Technical Papers - A large collection on technical papers on DAB system   

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