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Antennas ( 120 ) :
FCC Interference Handbook - This electronic version of our
"Interference to Home Electronic Entertainment Equipment
Handbook" is provided as a service to our customers on the World
Wide Web by the Compliance and Information Bureau of the FCC.
Magazine Articles by Lightning Master - Various articles
related to antennagrounding and lightning protection.
It was a stormy night... The importance of grounding - This
article tells about the importance of proper grounding of
About TV and FM Antennas - TV and FM Antenna Tips, FAQ,
Reception Help, Interference and Amplifier Guide, etc.
A new look at the Ufer ground system - Mr. Ufer developed
the concept of concrete encased grounding electrodes which are
suitable for radio antennas
Antenna Info - basics of antenas and most commonly used
antenna types
Antenna information - information on dipole and GP
transmitting antennas
Antennas - some basic information and resource links
Antennas for Ham Transmitters - This document describes how
to construct various type of antenna for Ham Radio Transmitters.
Antennas, some rules of thumb for beginners - Every now and
then somebody asks for antenna suggestions. Quite often these
people asking about antennas are beginners who are afraid of
making the wrong choice - a contibution on antennas by James R.
Duffey KK6MC/5 aka Dr. Megacycle.
Antennas: critical links in the wireless signal chain -
right antennas can strengthen the chain by yielding better
signal coverage, increased S/N ratio, reduced bit error rate,
and lower power consumption all at very low cost
Aston Wireless Technologies Technical Library - This library
has information on RF connectors, RF cabling and antennas.
Basics of Dual-Polarized Antennas Tutorial - information on
special antennas used in celluar networks
Erilaiset antennit - Basic information on different antennas
in Finnish.
Exploring the secrets of the Smith chart* - an indispensable
FM Antenna Configuration vs Performance - White paper from
Harris Broadcast Communications Division
Good ground, great signals - how to do geounding of antennas
Grounding Tips - how to ground antenna systems
Guide to Scanner Antennas - There have been many questions
regarding how to select an antenna for scanning. This is a
Readers Digest version of antennas, meant to give new users some
idea of the different antennas and their good and bad points. At
the end, there are some specific recommendations on how to build
a general purpose VHF/UHF antenna system.
HAM antenna documents and programs
How does a CB radio antenna work?
How to Use a Smith Chart - The Smith chart appeared in 1939
(Ref. 1) as a graph-based method of simplifying the complex math
(that is, calculations involving variables of the form x + jy)
needed to describe the characteristics of microwave components.
Although calculators and computers can now make short work of
the problems the Smith chart was designed to solve, the Smith
chart, like other graphical calculation aids (Ref. 2), remains a
valuable tool.
Install your antenna properly
Jim's Notebook - all sorts of interesting and useful antenna
data, techniques, hints and such
Near field or far field? - How do we define the far field of
an antenna system, and what criteria define the boundary between
it and the near field? The answer depends on your perspective
and your design's tolerances.
Pasternack Connector Identifier - pictures to help to
identify different coaxial cable connector types and impedances
Radiation impedances of wire and rod antennas
Smart Antenna Design: Antenna Diversity
Smart Antenna Systems Tutorial - A smart antenna system
combines multiple antenna elements with a signal-processing
capability to optimize its radiation and/or reception pattern
automatically in response to the signal environment
The Bunny Ears - the traditional indoor antenna: problems
and design flaws
Up On The Roooof - tips for installing FM and TV antennas to
Why an Antenna Radiates - You don't have to know how an
antenna works to use one, but getting a handle on this subject
can deepen your understanding of radio. Here's a searching look
at the mysterious process by which our antennas hurl energy from
Here to There.
Which HAM Radio Antenna is the Best Choice for Point to Point
Antenna cabling issues
50 ohms versus 75 ohms in antenna cable
Attenuation Losses in dB/100 ft (30 meters) of Coaxial
Transmission Line and Maximum Average Power Handling
Capabilities for Coaxial Transmission Line - This table give
the data for coaxial cable type RG-8, RG-11, 9913, RG-58/6, 3/8"
Foam, 1/2" Foam, 7/8" Foam, 7/8" Air and 1 5/8" Air.
Microwave connector reference - This document has pictures
and some basic information on BNC, TNC, N, UHF, C. SMA, SMB, SMC
and APC-7.
Most Often Asked Questions About Power Splitter / Combiners
Putting a Balun and a Tuner Together - A balun is a
transformer that converts an AC signal from balanced to
unbalanced, or vice versa. This document has information on
antenna baluns and their use.
Quarter-Wave Power Divider - use this to phase two antennas
together for increased gain
RF Coaxial Connectors - RF coax(ial) connectors are a vital
link in the radio spectrum. Coax connectors are often used to
interface two units such as the antenna to a transmission line,
a receiver or a transmitter. Coax connectors come in many
impedances, sizes, shapes and finishings. There are also female
and male versions of each. As a consequence, there are thousands
of models and variations, each with its advantages and
disadvantages. The proper choice of a coax connector will
facilitate this interface.
RF Directional Couplers - The equations that describe the
performance of transformer based directional couplers are
derived. The best theoretical performance available from a
directional coupler, using ideal transformers, is a function of
the turns ratio, and the terminating impedances. At VHF and UHF
frequencies, wire gauge and core material can be chosen to
closely approximate the response based on the solution of these
Signal Cabling - quite often the humble feed line is to
blame if the communication does not work
The purpose of a balun - information on benefits of balusn
in eadio reception
Weatherproofing Andrews Connectors - Andrew connectors are
designed to be pretty weatherproof by using tight tolerances and
O-ring gaskets in a couple of places. It is ALWAYS a good idea
to weatherproof any connector joint; in fact, it is done
practically 100% of the time by professional installers.
Coaxial Cable -- The Neglected Link - Is a better grade of
coaxial cable worth the price difference? This analysis of the
importance of shielding in coax lines explains why the answer is
Antenna building projects
2304 Tech List - Many radio atenna building project
documents on-line. Pages have also many radio equipment plans
A J-Pole antenna for the Ramsey FM10a in GIF format -
transmitting antenna tuned for 89 MHz
Antenna extension provides open-door policy - garage door
opener receiving antenna for 315 MHz
Antennas for 136kHz - The main subject will be transmitting
antennas for 136kHz as this often is the most important part of
a longwave amateur radio station.
Antenni ns. kettujahtiin ja radiosuunnistukseen - This is
plan for 27 MHz directional loop antenna. The text of this
document is in Finnish.
A UHF Discone Antenna for scanners - The availability of
scanners and wideband receivers covering the upper UHF spectrum
above 800 Mhz necessitates reasonably priced, wide bandwidth,
effective antennas. The most commonly used arrangements for
wideband reception on scanners using an outdoor antenna system
are multiband trap antennas, a discone, or a simple ground plane
Balloon or kite antenna? Why not
Build a 2 Meter DDRR for Mobile - an antenna for 2 meters FM
(146-148 MHz), vertically polarized, and omni-directional
Build a Yaki-Uda Antenna - instructions for building and
designing 3 and 6 element yagi antennas
Build a UHF Discone Antenna
Cheap Yagi Antennas for VHF/UHF - The antennas described in
this article are relatively small, easily constructed from
common materials/tools and have surprising performance. No
baluns or gamma matches are used in this design. This simplified
feed uses the structure of the antenna itself for impedance
matching. You can build these antennas for $5! There are plans
for 144, 222, 421.25, 432, 435, 450, 902, 903 and 1296 MHz.
DIY GPS Antenna - antenna for 1.5 GHz band for GPS receiver
Down To Earth Antennas - reception antennas which work close
to earth
Easy-Up Beverages - A Beverage antenna is a very giid
antenna type for mediumwave DX use.
Experiments on Remote Receiving Loops
FM Dipole for 88-108 MHz
Go ATV Portable With This Simple Beam Antenna! - a simple
broadband yagi for 70-cm band
How to build a Corner Reflector Antenna: Corner reflector
antennas for UHF reception and transmission
How To Build A Tin Can Waveguide Antenna for 802.11b Wireless
Networks or other 2.4GHz Applications - Got no dough for a
commercial antenna? Looking for an inexpensive way to increase
the range of your wireless network? A tin can waveguide antenna,
or Cantenna, may be just the ticket. This design can be build
for under $5 U.S. and reuses a food, juice, or other tin can.
How To Make A Simple Ground Plane Antenna - A ground plane
antenna is a very simple antenna. It is a quarter wave vertical
radiator and four radials that simulate a ground for the
radiator. It directly matches to 50 ohm coax and should show a
VSWR of 1.5:1 or better at its center frequency. It is useful
from HF through UHF, although it tends to be large below 30 MHz.
Hybrid quad reflector array with approx. 6 dBd gain
Long Loopstick Antenna - to improve AM radio reception
without using a long wire or ground
Practical indoor antennas for everybody - HF foil antennas,
VHF/UHF discones, wire beams, VHF/UHF rotables, tape antennas
and telescoping VHF/UHF indoor beams
Radial Wire Antennas - The Radial Wire aerial is simply a
length of wire laid on the ground in a straight line. Radial
Wire aerials are a very simple and easy way of obtaining
amazingly good radio reception on longwave, mediumwave and the
lower shortwave bands.
Satellite Antennas Hints and Kinks: Low Cost Satellite Antennas
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Simple dipole antenna for 88-108 MHz FM Reception
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Small, 915-MHz antenna beats monopole - This antenna is
effective and compact (smaller than 3-in monopole).
Tikapuu-antenni - This is an antenna for 27 MHz. The text of
this document is in Finnish.
Low Noise Antenna Using the Universal Magnetic Balun and the
Antenna Feeder Isolator - In most receiver installations the
feeder is connected to mains earth at the receiver. This can
cause mains borne noise to enter into the receiver because
either the feeder/mains earth is the return path for the antenna
or simply by noise being coupled to the antenna by the feeder.
Using the Isolator will ensure that mains borne noise cannot
enter the feeder and couple noise to the antenna either directly
or by the feeder radiation. The Isolator can reduce noise at low
frequencies by up to 40dB.
Coaxial Collinear for Amateur and Wlan use - What sort of
antenna are you looking for?? Do you need a directional antenna,
or an omnidirectional type?? What is the right type for the
job?? What is the best economic option for performance?? How
much antenna gain, transmitter power or receiver sensitivity is
needed?? What type will also be practical at the frequency
used??. . . . . . . .Well this article hopes to address some of
these questions.
Active antennas
Active Antenna I - This circuit shows an active antenna that
can be used for AM, FM, and shortwave (SW). On the shortwave
band this active antenna is comparable to a 20 to 30 foot wire
antenna. This circuit is designed to be used on receivers that
use untuned wire antennas, such as inexpensive units and car
Active Antenna II - This circuit is designed to be used on
receivers that use untuned wire antennas, such as inexpensive
units and car radios.
Active Antenna III - This circuit is designed to be used on
receivers that use untuned wire antennas, such as inexpensive
units and car radios.
AM/FM/SW active antenna - an active antenna that can be used
for AM, FM, and shortwave, on the shortwave band this active
antenna is comparable to a 20 to 30 foot wire antenna
Antenna amplifiers
FM-Band Preamplifier - Here is a high performance RF
amplifier for the FM band which can be successfully built
without any special test equipment. The grounded-gate
configuration is inherently stable without any neutralization if
reasonably good layout techniques are employed. The output
transformer is designed to resonate with the FET's drain
capacitance at about 92 MHz giving the amplifier the highest
gain at the low end of the band where the weaker stations
operate. No tuning capacitor is needed as long as the
transformer is built precisely as described. The performance of
the amplifier is quite good. The noise figure is below 2 dB and
the gain is over 12dB.
Hacking The Original 915 MHz WaveLAN (NCR 915 MHz WaveLAN 2 Mbps
DSSS) - amplifier circuit, datasheets, antenna designs, etc.
TV antenna amplifier - covers the frequencies from 40 to 900
MHz, suitable frequency rage for FM or TV antenna amplifier
UHF Preamplifier - This circuit is designed to work at UHF
frequencies in the range 450-800MHz. It has a gain of around
10dB and is suitable for boosting weak TV signals.
UHF-TV Booster - This is a UHF-band TV pre-amplifier which
uses special HF transistors , BFQ85 or BFR90.
Antenna adapters and couplers
The Care and Feeding of the R.F. Isolator - The application
of suitable R.F. isolators with complementary filtering devices
now becomes more and more important as the number of receivers
and transmitters on one site increase all the time. The purpose
of this bulletin is to review the characteristics of R.F.
isolators and their operation and discuss the ways in which
these devices are applied to control interference due to
intermodulation products and to provide other benefits. A better
understanding of R.F. Isolators, their benefits, limitations and
short comings and the best ways to employ them will be covered
in this bulletin.
A Happy Tune: Tiny ATUs for the Trail - A tiny homemade QRP
antenna tuning unit - ATU or transmatch - is inexpensive to
build and is easily customized for special needs.
Simple Inductive Coupling - This document shows a simple
inductive coupler used to improve reception on the PMR446 band.
A short length of coax cable, some coated copper wire, a PL
connector (Male or female), solder and a soldering iron.
Antenna baluns
Impedance matching
Antenna filters
Signal attenuators
Attenuator Pads - homebrew attenuation pads
Do-It-Yourself Power Splitters - Plans for making low-cost
power splitters
Fixed Attenuators - Fixed attenuators can be designed to
have either equal or unequal impedances and to provide any
amount of attenuation (theoretically) equal to or greater than
the configuration's minimum attenuation - depending on the ratio
of Z1/Z2. Attenuators with equal terminations have a minimum
attenuation of 0 dB. Unequal terminations place a lower limit on
the attenuation.
Most Often Asked Questions About Electronic Attenuators
Step Attenuator - This attenuator is designed for 50 ohms
impedance and provides switches for 20, 16, 8, 4, 2 and 1 dB
Signal splitters and combiners
Antenna related measuring equipments
Other antenna related circuits
Antenna design software
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