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Radio signal modulation ( 3 ) :

  • Explore inside of a Radio - This page investigates the inside of a cheap beach radio.I will show you different compontents and explain what they do. There are lot of stuff you can re-use from such radio.   
  • OOK, ASK and FSK Modulation in the Presence of an Interfering signal - This paper discusses three popular modulation schemes in the presence of an interfering signal. This paper will review the three modulation types and develop a mathematical model for the prediction of error due to interference.   
  • Quadrature FM Detectors - FM stands for Frequency Modulation. It means that the RF-frequency will change acording to the input audio signal. A FM demodulator produces an output voltage that is proportional to the instantaneous frequency of the input. There are three general categories of FM demodulator circuit: Phase-locked loop (PLL) demodulator, Slope detection/FM discriminator, Quadrature detector   

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