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Radio transceivers ( 4 ) :

    Radio transceivers combine the radio transmitter and radio receiver in one case. Walkie-talkies are one example of radio transceiver used as a communication device.

  • 7MHz SSB Transceiver VU3PRX - The transceiver described here is remarkably simple based on popular communication building block MC1496. It is fairly simple to build because most of the functions are performed by MC1496. The emphasis during the design of the project was on repeatability, minimum number of switching and ability to modify for multi band operation.   
  • 900Mhz 9600bps Radio Link - This is a reference design from the AVNET electronics page for a wireless 9600bps transceiver.   
  • A 70cm Wide-band Transceiver Concept - This article presents a description of a 70cm wideband transceiver for duplex operation. The modules are designed for operation in a 200 kHz wide duplex channel, freely selectable from 430-440 MHz with a 100 kHz channel spacing. First prototypes were introduced on the international Packet Radio Symposium in April 1997. Some minor changes resulting from further experience were added to the text since then.   
  • N5FC's 2N2222 40 Meter CW/DSB Transceiver - This is a project using no ICs and 22 2N2222s the active semiconductor devices. This circut operates from 12 Volts power source.   

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