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Transmitters ( 69 ) :

  • General information

    • CB-Radio Component Database   
    • Estimating Transmitter Distance - Here you can find a simplified equation for analysing low power radio transmitters, for line of sight. It does not take into account probagation conditions or other limiting factors, but does include a variable for the losses in the antenna and tank circuit of a transmitter.   
    • Hum Reduction in FM Stereo Transmitters - It is convienient and easy to use a wall transformer with FM stereo or AM transmitters, but often unwanted hum appears on the transmitted signal. This problem can be sometimes frustrating and difficult to correct.   
    • To Design and Build a Portable, Miniaturised, Multichannel FM Transmitter   
    • UHF Construction Precautions - If you are building a kit or circuit that operates at VHF (over 30 MHz) or UHF (over 300 MHz) you should be made aware of proper wiring and construction practices. This is largely experience combined with a good theoretical understanding.   
    • VHF Pirate Radio Electronics - This document explores the concepts involved in radio broadcasting relevant to the pirate radio operator on VHF FM. This document give a step by step tour of a typical VHF FM transmitter system starting with the output from the tape recorder or mixer, and finishing with a brief discussion of aerials.   
  • FM transmitters and related circuits

    • 1W PLL transmitter - Suitable for study purposes, you can use the RF part easily for your projects. However, unless you know how to build a serial data link and connect this to a PC or a microcontroller, you won't be able to use the PLL.   
    • 2W transmitter - This is claimed to give mile of range or so on normal FM band (around 100 MHz). Don't forget that there is no such thing as free lunch, stability and spectral purity suck.   
    • 3W FM Transmitter - operates between 90 and 110 MHz   
    • 4 Watt FM Transmitter - This is a small but quite powerful FM transmitter having three RF stages incorporating an audio preamplifier for better modulation. t has an output power of 4 Watts and works off 12-18 VDC which makes it easily portable.   
    • Basic FM Transmitter - This transmitter is designed for FM broadcast band, 2 meters, and other VHF bands by changing values of one capacitor and one coil.   
    • Coil-less FM Transmitter - Very crude transmitter which uses the 9th harmonics of 10.7Mhz (96.3Mhz).   
    • FM Band Monaural Transmitter - Varactor diode gives high quality modulation, pdf file   
    • FM Beacon Broadcast Transmitter (88-108 MHz) - This circuit will transmit a continuous audio tone on the FM broadcast band (88-108 MHz) which could used for remote control or security purposes. Circuit draws about 30 mA from a 6-9 volt battery and can be received to about 100 yards. A 555 timer is used to produce the tone (about 600 Hz) which frequency modulates a Hartley oscillator. A second JFET transistor buffer stage is used to isolate the oscillator from the antenna so that the antenna position and length has less effect on the frequency.   
    • FM Broadcast VCO and Buffer - for 88-108 MHz   
    • FM Band Monoaural Transmitter - high quality monoaural FM transmitter, FET based oscillator   
    • FM Oscillator With BF900 Dual Gate Mosfet - This is a 100 MHz frequency FM transmitter circuit designed aroun BG900. Instead of the BF900, a BF905 or BF907 can be used without any problems. This circuit uses 15 V DC power (50 mA) and outputs RF output of around 55 mVpp to 50 ohm load. This circuit has a low frequency deviation.   
    • FM Stereo Transmiter   
    • FM Transmitter - low powered FM transmitter, includer circuit board and parts placement picture   
    • High Fidelity FM stereo matrix generator circuit - circuit is for use with mono transmitters to give out clear stereo output   
    • Low Power FM Transmitter - This circuit operates from 9V battery and transmits FM signal at frequency range around 90-108 MHz. This circuit can take microphone or line level signals for modulation.   
    • Micro Power FM Broadcasting Circuits - accessories to transmitter circuits: audio limiter, audio mixer, antenna and essential modifications for Ramsey FM10   
    • Mighty's Pirate Radio - many radio circuits, including mono and stereo FM transmitters   
    • Phone Broadcaster - telephone call FM transmitter   
    • Small Radio Transmitter - information about building a small radio transmitter, which has a PCB 1.75" x 2.5" (45mm x 68 mm) and has a range of about 30 yards or so at 85-108 MHz frequency range. This plan is based on Velleman kit circuit which is slightly modified (this article has a new circuit board design).   
    • Um excelente gerador de FM para a faixa de 88 a 108 MHz - PLL syntetized generator of FM for the band of 88 the 108 MHz, text in portugese, you can use   
    • We-man's radio circuits - FM transmitters, fax interface and antenna design   
    • World's simplest transmitter - Range and stability is not premium, but it works! Its a demonstration of what can be done with little to none resources. This circuit is based on 74LS13 logic IC!   
    • Stereo encoder I A simple FM stereo signal encoder circuit design that has been has circulating around for ages. Adding this circuit to a mono FM transmitter turns it to a stereo FM transmitter,   
    • Stereo encoder II This is a stereo modulator circuit that can turn a mono FM transmitter to a stereo FM transmitter. This circuit have been mentioned to have a bit of noise, filtering is not sufficient, but otherwise it can be made to work extremely nicely.   
    • World's simplest FM transmitter schematic If you cannot assemble this transmitter, then perhaps you should give up on assembling anything at all. Range and stability is not premium, might not meet all signal purity specifications, but it works! This circuit is a demonstration of what can be done with little to none resources. This circuit is based on 74LS13 TTL IC!   
    • Simple small FM transmitter schematic This FM transmitter gives 200-500 meters of range.   
    • FM Band Monaural Transmitter A high quality monaura FM transmitter is quite useful in a variety of applications. The audio from a TV or entertainment system may be transmitted for remote or portable listening and for wireless earphone listening. This is a very simple FM transmitter with FET based FM oscillator modulated with varactor diode.   
  • FM wireless mics

  • Ramsey FM10 transmitter kit related circuits

  • Telephone transmitters

  • FM oscillators

    • FM Oscillator - circuit for a VCO and buffer that operates across the entire FM broadcast band (88-108 MHz)   
  • RF transmitter amplifiers

  • AM transmitters

    • 136kHz 1kW transmitter   
    • Building a very simple AM voice transmitter - If a crystal radio is the distilled essence of a radio, this transmitter is the matching distilled essence of transmitters. The transmitter goes together in about 10 minutes, and is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Depending on the antenna, the transmitter can send voice and music across the room, or across the street. The transmitting frequency of the design is 1 MHz.   
    • Micropower AM band radio station - simple transmitter offers surprisingly good signal quality, pdf file   
    • Micro Power AM Broadcast Transmitter - 74HC14 hex Schmitt trigger inverter is used as a square wave oscillator to drive a small signal transistor in a class C amplifier configuration   
    • Simple Class E Transmitter - Class E amplifiers are very efficient amps and are generally built with MOSFET transistors. The principle is to drive the MOSFET's gate input with square waves to quickly put the device into it's low ohmic region and to do this when the voltage across the drain of the MOSFET is at or near zero volts. This greatly reduces the heat dissipated by the MOSFET and increases efficiency. A choke value for the drain is chosen so that it resonates at the operating frequency, in combination with the parasitic capacitance of the drain and the output filter. The "fly wheel" effect of the resonant tank causes the drain voltage to drop to zero before the MOSFET is switched back on. Efficiencies of 70% or more can be achieved this way. This article describes a simple Class E transmitter and is shown built for 40 meters. It uses a 74HC02 NOR gate as a crystal oscillator. The amplifier delivers about 2 watts output with a 9 volt supply and about 4 watts with a 12 volt supply.   
    • The Grenade Transmitter - This is shortwave transmitter based on The Animal's infamous "Grenade" design. It operared at 12-14V power and outputs up to 10W AM transmission at 40 meter frequency area (6000-8000 Kilohertz). This design uses crystal to define the transmitting frequency and has limiter/compressor in the audio input.   
  • Microwave transmitters

    • 2400MHz Signal Source - This unit is an attempt to make the simplest possible signal source for 13cm without the usual grief of not finishing up on the right frequency. The oscillator starts with a readily available 96MHz crystal and multiplying this by 25 goes up to 2400MHz. The use of filters takes the guesswork out of finding the correct frequencies. The output is -10dBm (100 microwatts).   
    • 2.4 GHz FM ATV - a project concept - This article describes how to modify consumer wireless video link devices for ATV use.   
  • Transceivers

  • Other radio transmitters

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